My Favorite Essential oils

My favorite oils are the ones that do double duty as a great perfume.
Stress away is my absolute favorite scent it’s heady fragrance evokes many different emotions.  The lightness of Lime reminds me of the beach, the vanilla is sensual and romantic, and lastly the copal reminds me of my favorite place Belize where I studied. Spiritually the copal is very sacred to the Mayan to protect and be blessed by spirit. 

Stress Away

Abundance not only smells amazing, men and women will approach you to ask you what your perfume is also who does not need to draw abundance into their life? Wear it!  Let me know. Never fails to give blessings.


Claraderm spray is a life saver,  I have always had sensitive skin and I spray wherever my skin is irritated.  Claraderm is also calming to sensitive tissues after intimacy.

Ninxgia Red juice this is a no contest, antioxidants, oils, immune boosters, energizing. Which helps you to feel younger and I feel for me look younger.  I interact with the public all  time and I believe that “my juice” keeps  the sniffles away.  The few times I stopped drinking it I got the flu!  For me its essential!

NingXia Red

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